Ghosted (2017) is a thrilling movie that follows the story of a skeptical detective, John, who is forced to work with a believer in the paranormal, Sarah, to investigate a series of unexplained events in Los Angeles. As their investigation progresses, they find themselves drawn into a world filled with supernatural occurrences, forcing them to confront their own beliefs and fears.
John is a tough and practical detective who relies on evidence and reason, while Sarah is a true believer in ghosts and otherworldly phenomena. Initially, the two clash as their different perspectives collide, leading to tension and conflict. However, as they delve deeper into their investigation, they discover that the events they are investigating may be more than they had initially anticipated.
The movie takes viewers on a gripping journey as John and Sarah navigate through haunted houses, paranormal hotspots, and dark alleys, encountering eerie encounters and unexplained phenomena along the way. Their skepticism and belief are put to the test as they uncover a hidden truth that challenges their understanding of the world.
Ghosted offers a unique blend of suspense, horror, and supernatural elements, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats throughout. With its well-crafted storyline, atmospheric settings, and compelling performances, this movie is sure to captivate fans of the paranormal and mystery genres.