In Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024), a startling discovery of an ancient artifact sets off a chain of events that unleashes a malevolent force threatening to plunge the world into a second ice age. In order to combat this chilling threat, a group of Ghostbusters, comprised of both seasoned veterans and new recruits, must unite their supernatural expertise and face their most formidable challenge yet.
As the ice creeps further and further, terrors of the unknown lurk around every corner, testing the Ghostbusters' resolve and camaraderie. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, the team embarks on a high-stakes mission to save not only their home but the entire world from this icy peril.
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024) is an action-packed supernatural adventure that blends humor, thrills, and heart as the Ghostbusters must confront their fears and work together to thwart a catastrophic fate. Join them on their pulse-pounding journey to protect the planet and vanquish the forces of darkness once and for all.
As the ice creeps further and further, terrors of the unknown lurk around every corner, testing the Ghostbusters' resolve and camaraderie. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, the team embarks on a high-stakes mission to save not only their home but the entire world from this icy peril.
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024) is an action-packed supernatural adventure that blends humor, thrills, and heart as the Ghostbusters must confront their fears and work together to thwart a catastrophic fate. Join them on their pulse-pounding journey to protect the planet and vanquish the forces of darkness once and for all.