In the supernatural comedy film Ghostbusters, paranormal enthusiasts Erin Gilbert and Abby Yates, along with nuclear engineer Jillian Holtzmann and subway worker Patty Tolan, unite to save Manhattan from a ghost invasion. As the city faces an unprecedented otherworldly threat, this fearless quartet sets out to battle the supernatural entities haunting the streets.
Erin Gilbert, a respected scientist, finds herself entangled in the world of paranormal research when her book on ghost existence resurfaces and ruins her academic career. Determined to prove the existence of ghosts, she joins forces with her former friend, Abby Yates, who has dedicated her life to studying the paranormal. With the help of eccentric nuclear engineer Jillian Holtzmann, the team develops an arsenal of supernatural weapons to combat the ghosts that are terrorizing the city.
When subway worker Patty Tolan witnesses a ghostly encounter, she offers her expertise and joins the group to help battle the increasing paranormal activity. As the Ghostbusters gain both public support and ridicule, they face the ultimate challenge when a powerful supernatural force threatens to unleash chaos upon Manhattan.
In a hilarious and action-packed adventure, the Ghostbusters prove that they are the only ones capable of saving the city from the impending ghostly armageddon. With their wit, ingenuity, and expertise, these unconventional heroes must use their unconventional skills to prevent the cataclysmic event and restore peace to New York City.
Erin Gilbert, a respected scientist, finds herself entangled in the world of paranormal research when her book on ghost existence resurfaces and ruins her academic career. Determined to prove the existence of ghosts, she joins forces with her former friend, Abby Yates, who has dedicated her life to studying the paranormal. With the help of eccentric nuclear engineer Jillian Holtzmann, the team develops an arsenal of supernatural weapons to combat the ghosts that are terrorizing the city.
When subway worker Patty Tolan witnesses a ghostly encounter, she offers her expertise and joins the group to help battle the increasing paranormal activity. As the Ghostbusters gain both public support and ridicule, they face the ultimate challenge when a powerful supernatural force threatens to unleash chaos upon Manhattan.
In a hilarious and action-packed adventure, the Ghostbusters prove that they are the only ones capable of saving the city from the impending ghostly armageddon. With their wit, ingenuity, and expertise, these unconventional heroes must use their unconventional skills to prevent the cataclysmic event and restore peace to New York City.