In the movie Ghost Shark (2013), a group of rednecks accidentally kills a great white shark during a fishing trip. Little do they know, the spirit of the shark comes back for vengeance, setting its sights on the unsuspecting town of Smallport. Teenage protagonist Ava, along with her younger sister Cicely and friend Blaise, witness the beginning of the ghost shark's rampage. However, when they try to alert the authorities, their story is met with disbelief.
Determined to protect their town, the trio seeks help from a grumpy lighthouse keeper named Finch. Together, they make a shocking discovery: the ghost shark can attack anywhere there is water. As they delve deeper into Smallport's history, they uncover clues that may hold the key to defeating the supernatural predator.
Ghost Shark is a thrilling horror movie that takes viewers on a journey as the town's residents face an paranormal enemy like no other. With its supernatural premise and suspenseful plot, the film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they anticipate the next attack. Featuring a mix of teenage protagonists, an eccentric lighthouse keeper, and a terrifying ghost shark, this movie offers a unique blend of horror and adventure.
Watch Ghost Shark to see if Ava, Cicely, Blaise, and Finch can uncover the town's dark secrets and find a way to stop the vengeful spirit before it devours the entire population.