In the crime-comedy film Gettin' Square, the story revolves around Barry Wirth, who is recently released from prison and eager to turn his life around. Determined to stay on the straight and narrow, Barry strives to avoid any criminal activities. However, he soon realizes that leaving his past behind is not as simple as he thought. His friend Johnny 'Spit' Spiteri and reformed gangster Dabba are also faced with old scores and new obstacles that make it difficult for them to start over.
As Barry, Johnny, and Dabba navigate their way through corrupt cops, shady deals, and a dangerous underworld, they are forced to confront their past mistakes and make tough decisions. Along the way, they encounter a colorful cast of characters, adding to the comedic and fast-paced nature of the film.
Gettin' Square explores the themes of redemption, loyalty, and second chances. It showcases the challenges faced by individuals trying to leave their criminal pasts behind, while also providing an entertaining and humorous storyline. With its witty dialogue, intriguing plot twists, and memorable characters, the film offers an enjoyable viewing experience for fans of crime comedies.