In the critically acclaimed thriller Get Out, a young African-American man named Chris embarks on a weekend trip to meet his white girlfriend Rose's parents. What starts as a seemingly innocent visit quickly turns into a suspenseful tale as Chris begins to experience a series of unsettling events. Feeling increasingly uncomfortable and unwelcome, he soon realizes that something sinister is happening beneath the surface.
As the tension escalates, Chris discovers a shocking truth about the true intentions of Rose's parents and their wealthy friends. He becomes trapped in a terrifying situation that forces him to confront deep-seated racial tensions and the horrors of the past.
Directed by Jordan Peele, Get Out masterfully blends elements of horror, comedy, and social commentary to create a thought-provoking and gripping story. With its unique approach to race relations and its clever twists and turns, the film has been praised for its innovative storytelling and brilliant performances.
Get Out has received widespread critical acclaim and numerous awards, including an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. This chilling and compelling movie offers a gripping look into the complexities of racism and is a must-watch for fans of thrilling and thought-provoking cinema.
Also Known As:
Get OutRelease Date:
24 Feb 2017Writers:
Jordan PeeleAwards:
Won 1 Oscar. Another 152 wins & 201 nominations.