Georgy Girl (1966) follows the story of Georgy, a traditional young woman in 1960s London, portrayed by Lynn Redgrave. Despite her reserved nature, Georgy finds herself caught in a complicated situation when she is pursued by a wealthy man named James Mason who wants her to be his mistress. Caught between her desire for independence and the allure of a more glamorous lifestyle, Georgy must navigate her feelings and aspirations in the midst of societal expectations and personal desires. As she grapples with this unexpected attention, Georgy also finds herself entangled in the lives of those around her, including her best friend and his lover. The film delves into themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery as Georgy navigates the complexities of relationships and identity in a rapidly changing world. Directed by Silvio Narizzano, Georgy Girl presents a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of the challenges and choices faced by a young woman in a dynamic and evolving era.
Also Known As:
Georgy GirlRelease Date:
17 Oct 1966Writers:
Margaret Forster, Peter NicholsAwards:
Nominated for 4 Oscars. 6 wins & 17 nominations total