Gangster Squad is a gripping crime drama set in 1949 Los Angeles. The notorious gangster, Mickey Cohen, has taken over the city's criminal underworld and has corrupted local judges and police officers. The authorities refuse to cross him or testify against him, except for Sergeant John O'Mara, a war veteran who dreams of a peaceful life with his family.
Police Chief William Parker realizes that something needs to be done about Cohen's control and forms a special unit with the sole purpose of bringing him down. He appoints O'Mara to lead the squad, and he handpicks four other brave and skilled officers to join him. O'Mara also tries to convince another cop and war veteran, Jerry Wooters, to join, but initially, Wooters is not interested.
However, everything changes when Wooters witnesses the brutal murder of a young boy committed by Cohen's henchmen. Shocked and enraged, he decides to join O'Mara's gangster squad, and together, they vow to dismantle Cohen's criminal organization.
As the squad begins its mission, Cohen grows suspicious, wondering if a rival gang or someone else is targeting him. Eventually, he discovers that it is the police who are determined to bring him to justice, leading to a violent and thrilling showdown between the two sides.
Gangster Squad is a suspenseful and action-packed film that explores the battle between good and evil in a corrupt city.
Also Known As:
Gangster SquadRelease Date:
11 Jan 2013Writers:
Will Beall, Paul LiebermanAwards:
5 nominations