Friends from College is a hilarious comedy series that follows a group of friends who met at Harvard and are navigating their forties. These friends are faced with complex relationships and intricate dynamics that have developed over the years. The show humorously explores the challenges of maintaining old friendships, dealing with past romantic entanglements, and juggling the responsibilities of adult life while longing for the carefree days of the past.
The series is filled with witty dialogue and relatable moments that will have viewers laughing out loud. Audiences will be entertained as they witness the group of friends navigate the ups and downs of their personal and professional lives. The show cleverly weaves together the complexities of friendship, love, and nostalgia, offering a fresh and humorous take on these universal experiences.
Friends from College is the perfect blend of comedy and heartfelt storytelling. It will resonate with viewers who have experienced the joys and challenges of sustaining friendships over time. With its well-developed characters and sharp writing, this series is a must-watch for anyone seeking an intelligent and comedic exploration of friendship and adulting.
Also Known As:
Friends from CollegeRelease Date:
14 Jul 2017Writers:
Francesca Delbanco, Nicholas StollerAwards:
2 nominations