In Friend 2, the sequel to the 2001 film Friend, the story takes place 17 years after the events of the first movie. The protagonist, Choi Sung-hoon, is the son of Lee Han Dong, a character from the first film. Choi Sung-hoon has grown up in an abusive family and has resorted to a life of petty crime. Eventually, he ends up in jail, the same facility where his father's childhood friend, Lee Jeong-suk, is serving his sentence.
Choi Sung-hoon's mother visits Lee Jeong-suk in prison and pleads with him to protect her son. Due to their history as childhood friends, Lee Jeong-suk agrees to take Choi Sung-hoon under his wing. Choi Sung-hoon, who never had a proper role model in his life, is quickly influenced by Lee Jeong-suk.
However, as the story unfolds, Choi Sung-hoon begins to learn the reason behind Lee Jeong-suk's prison sentence. This revelation leads to a turn of events that will test their loyalty and friendship.
Friend 2 explores themes of loyalty, friendship, and the consequences of one's actions. The film delves into the complexities of relationships and the impact they have on individuals' lives. As Choi Sung-hoon navigates his way through prison life with Lee Jeong-suk's guidance, he must also confront his past and determine his own path for the future.