Frenzy (2018) is a thrilling survival movie that follows Paige (Gina Vitori) and her younger sister Lindsey (Aubrey Reynolds) as they embark on a scuba diving trip to an isolated cove. Paige, the leader of a popular travel vlog, includes Lindsey in their adventure to document their experiences. However, their plans take a terrifying turn when their plane crashes and they find themselves stranded in the ocean with a pack of great white sharks circling them.
As the sisters fight to stay alive, they must rely on their strength, resourcefulness, and immense courage to outsmart the relentless predators that surround them. With each passing moment, the tension rises as they face near-death encounters and struggle to find a way to safety. Will their bond as sisters be strong enough to overcome the overwhelming odds?
Filled with suspenseful moments and heart-pounding action, Frenzy keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. This movie showcases the strength of the human spirit and the resilience of the human body in the face of unimaginable danger. Don't miss this gripping tale of survival as Paige and Lindsey fight for their lives against nature's most powerful predator.
Also Known As:
FrenzyRelease Date:
15 Aug 2018Writers:
Graham Winter