In the dystopian series Freakish (2016), a small suburban town becomes overrun by predatory mutants following a disastrous chemical plant meltdown. A group of high school students find themselves trapped inside their school as they battle against these monstrous creatures to survive. Led by strong-willed student, Grover Jones, these teenagers must join forces and use their individual skills to navigate through the chaos and protect themselves from the relentless mutants.
As the mutants relentlessly try to break into the school, the students must rely on their intelligence, resourcefulness, and bravery to stay one step ahead. With limited supplies, dwindling hope, and tensions rising amongst the group, the teenagers must face both the physical and emotional challenges that come with their dire situation. Along the way, they discover shocking secrets about the chemical plant, and the truth about their own lives.
Freakish is an exhilarating and suspenseful series that explores the themes of survival, friendship, and trust in the face of unimaginable danger. With each episode filled with heart-pounding action and unexpected twists, viewers will be captivated by the students' fight for survival. Will they be able to overcome the mutants and escape their terrifying predicament? Tune in to Freakish to find out.
Also Known As:
FreakishRelease Date:
10 Oct 2016