Foyle's War is a gripping British detective drama set during WWII and in the aftermath of the war. The series revolves around the protagonist, DCS Foyle, as he investigates crimes on the south coast of England. Despite the chaos of the war, Foyle fights his own battles on the home-front, ensuring justice is served in a time of uncertainty and fear.
As the war rages on, Foyle's investigations are intertwined with the larger conflict, with crimes often being connected to espionage and treason. The series expertly balances the personal struggles faced by individuals during the war with the larger political and social context of the time. Foyle's determination and sharp intellect make him a formidable detective, always one step ahead of criminals.
In later series, Foyle transitions from being a police detective to working as an MI5 agent. Set in the aftermath of the war, this new chapter sees Foyle navigating the complex world of espionage and grappling with the lingering effects of the conflict. His new role as an MI5 agent exposes him to a web of secrets and international intrigue, as he battles to protect his country from unseen threats.
Foyle's War is a compelling and thought-provoking series that skillfully blends crime, history, and politics. With its authentic period setting, strong character development, and intricate plotlines, this show is a must-watch for fans of historical mystery dramas.
Also Known As:
Foyle's WarRelease Date:
02 Feb 2003Writers:
Anthony HorowitzAwards:
Won 1 BAFTA Film Award1 win & 4 nominations total