Four Lives is a gripping crime drama that delves into the shocking true story of Stephen Port, a notorious serial killer. Set between 2014 and 2015, the film explores the devastating aftermath of four murders carried out by Port.
The story unfolds as the lives of the victims, their friends, and their families are shattered by these heinous crimes. As the investigation unfolds, the police are faced with a challenging task of uncovering the truth behind the killings. Combining elements of suspense and drama, Four Lives takes viewers on a dark journey filled with twists and turns.
The film sheds light on the impact of the murders on the community as fear and suspicion loom large. It explores themes of justice, grief, and resilience in the face of unimaginable tragedy. Through compelling performances and a hauntingly realistic portrayal of the events, Four Lives manages to convey the emotional toll these crimes took on all those involved.
With its powerful storytelling and attention to detail, Four Lives is a thought-provoking exploration of the consequences of a real-life serial killer's actions. This gripping crime drama is sure to captivate audiences and leave them reflecting on the fragile nature of human life.
Also Known As:
Four LivesRelease Date:
06 Jun 2022Awards:
1 win & 1 nomination