Før frosten (2018) is a captivating period drama set in 1800s Denmark. The story revolves around a struggling farmer who, faced with a dire harvest and an imminent food shortage for his family, makes a fateful decision. Desperate for a solution, he strikes a deal with a wealthy neighboring farmer that involves sacrificing his beloved farm and even marrying off his daughter. This arrangement, which initially appears to be a lifeline, soon reveals itself to be a pact shrouded in sinister intentions.
The film delves into the complexities of poverty, power dynamics, and sacrifice within the socio-economic context of rural Denmark during this era. As the protagonist grapples with the consequences of his decision, he struggles to maintain his dignity, protect his family, and navigate the treacherous path laid before him. Themes of love, betrayal, and class struggle are interwoven throughout the narrative, highlighting the harsh realities faced by those living in a society dominated by wealth and status.
With its stunning cinematography and nuanced performances, Før frosten immerses viewers in the harsh beauty of the Danish countryside and the inner turmoil of its characters. Its exploration of universal themes set against a historical backdrop makes it a compelling watch for fans of period dramas and heartfelt storytelling.
Also Known As:
Before the FrostRelease Date:
10 Jan 2019Writers:
Jesper Fink, Michael NoerAwards:
6 wins & 18 nominations