Folklore is a spine-chilling horror anthology series that delves into the rich tapestry of folklore, superstitions, and myths from six Asian countries. Each episode transports viewers to different realms of terror, exploring the dark corners of Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malaysian, Singaporean, and Thai legends and beliefs.
In Indonesia, a mother's love is pushed to its limits as she confronts a treacherous supernatural force that threatens her child's life. Meanwhile, in Japan, a nurse discovers a disturbing secret hidden within the walls of a mysterious hospital.
The Korean episode takes us on a spine-tingling journey into the life of a Korean shaman, who must confront the spirit of a vengeful ghost seeking justice. In Malaysia, a reporter investigates a haunted house, only to uncover a horrifying truth that forces her to question her own sanity.
Singapore offers a frightful tale of a famous actress encountering an unsettling entity during a film shoot, while in Thailand, a family's happiness is shattered by a series of chilling encounters with a malevolent spirit.
Folklore offers a unique blend of horror and cultural exploration, as it brings to life the legends and myths deeply ingrained in the Asian psyche. Each episode presents a standalone story, providing a chilling and enthralling experience for viewers seeking an immersive dive into Asian horror folklore.
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FolkloreRelease Date:
07 Oct 2018