Escape with Norway's Gold is a captivating documentary series that delves into a little-known secret operation conducted by the Norwegian government during the Nazi invasion of April 1940. Through the efforts of an unexpected group of individuals, 49 tonnes of gold were successfully smuggled out of the country, evading the clutches of the invading forces.
As viewers embark on this intriguing journey, they will witness the extraordinary courage and determination displayed by these unsung heroes as they risked their lives to protect Norway's most precious asset. The series highlights the ingenuity and resourcefulness displayed by the group as they navigate through treacherous terrain and face numerous challenges along the way.
Through a combination of archival footage, interviews, and reenactments, Escape with Norway's Gold offers a gripping account of this daring mission that played a crucial role in preserving Norway's wealth and heritage during a time of great peril. Join us as we uncover the untold story of how a group of unlikely individuals came together to execute a daring escape that would change the course of history.
Also Known As:
Flukten med Norges gullRelease Date:
15 Dec 2022