In the quaint town of Lighthouse Cove, Oregon, Shannon Hughes leads a dual life as a house renovator and amateur sleuth in the captivating series Fixer Upper Mysteries. Alongside her trusty companion, former reporter turned crime novelist Macintyre Sullivan, Shannon embarks on thrilling adventures to solve mysteries while restoring old homes to their former glory.
As the duo delves into each case, they uncover a web of secrets and hidden agendas that keep viewers guessing until the very end. Shannon's keen eye for detail and Mac's sharp investigative skills make them an unbeatable team as they work together to crack each perplexing case.
From uncovering long-buried secrets to tracking down elusive suspects, Shannon and Macintyre are always one step ahead as they unravel the truth behind each mystery. With heart-pounding suspense and heartwarming moments, Fixer Upper Mysteries delivers a perfect blend of intrigue and charm that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Join Shannon and Macintyre as they restore homes and crack cases in this thrilling series that proves there's more to renovation than meets the eye.
As the duo delves into each case, they uncover a web of secrets and hidden agendas that keep viewers guessing until the very end. Shannon's keen eye for detail and Mac's sharp investigative skills make them an unbeatable team as they work together to crack each perplexing case.
From uncovering long-buried secrets to tracking down elusive suspects, Shannon and Macintyre are always one step ahead as they unravel the truth behind each mystery. With heart-pounding suspense and heartwarming moments, Fixer Upper Mysteries delivers a perfect blend of intrigue and charm that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Join Shannon and Macintyre as they restore homes and crack cases in this thrilling series that proves there's more to renovation than meets the eye.