In the action-packed film, Fire Down Below (1997), audiences are introduced to Jack Taggart, an environmental protection agent who finds himself embroiled in a dangerous battle against a group of ruthless businessmen led by Orin Hanner. Set in the scenic Kentucky hills region, Taggart discovers that these unscrupulous individuals are illegally dumping toxic waste, causing irreparable damage to the environment and wildlife.
As Taggart delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers a plot that goes beyond mere environmental destruction. His fellow agent has been murdered, and he soon realizes that his own life is in grave danger. Determined to bring these criminals to justice and put an end to their harmful activities, Taggart launches a one-man mission to expose their nefarious scheme.
As the tension escalates, Taggart faces increasingly perilous situations, but he remains resolute in his determination to protect both the natural beauty of the Kentucky hills and the innocent lives at stake. With time running out and the stakes higher than ever before, Taggart must rely on his own wits and physical prowess to bring down the criminals.
Fire Down Below is a thrilling and heart-pounding action film that not only highlights the importance of environmental protection but also showcases the resilience and unwavering dedication of one man in the face of powerful adversaries. Prepare for an adrenaline-fueled adventure as Taggart races against the clock to preserve the integrity of the Kentucky hills and bring those responsible for the destruction to justice.