In this heartwarming animated adventure, a timid clownfish named Marlin embarks on a daring journey to rescue his son, Nemo. When Nemo is captured and taken to Sydney by a diver, Marlin sets out on a daring expedition across the vast ocean to bring him back home. Along the way, he encounters a host of fascinating and unforgettable characters, including a forgetful blue tang fish named Dory, a group of charismatic sharks, and a wise sea turtle named Crush. Together, they navigate treacherous waters and overcome various obstacles, teaching valuable lessons about friendship, family, and courage.
Finding Nemo, released in 2003, is a critically acclaimed and beloved Pixar film that captivates audiences of all ages with its stunning animation and heartfelt storytelling. Directed by Andrew Stanton, the movie beautifully captures the wonders of the underwater world and the power of determination. Filled with humor, adventure, and heartwarming moments, Finding Nemo delivers a captivating tale that resonates with viewers around the world.
This charming animated film is a must-watch for families and animation enthusiasts alike. With its memorable characters, captivating storyline, and breathtaking visuals, Finding Nemo guarantees an unforgettable experience that will leave audiences both entertained and inspired. Dive into the depths of this underwater adventure and join Marlin and Dory on their incredible quest to reunite a father and son.
Also Known As:
Finding NemoRelease Date:
30 May 2003Writers:
Andrew Stanton (original story by), Andrew Stanton (screenplay by), Bob Peterson (screenplay by), David Reynolds (screenplay by)Awards:
Won 1 Oscar. Another 48 wins & 62 nominations.