Finale is a thrilling and suspenseful movie set during the night of a highly anticipated sports final. The story revolves around two girls who are working at a gas station and find themselves caught up in a series of bizarre and unsettling incidents. As the night progresses, the girls question whether these events are mere pranks or if there is a more aggressive and sinister motive behind them.
This gripping movie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they try to unravel the mysteries unfolding before their eyes. While the girls struggle to make sense of the situations they find themselves in, tension builds and the audience is drawn deeper into the unfolding drama.
Finale explores themes of fear, deception, and the lengths people will go to for their own twisted desires. With a cleverly crafted plot, the movie expertly blends elements of horror and suspense to keep audiences guessing until the very end.
Prepare to be enthralled by Finale, as it combines intense performances with an intriguing storyline. This movie is sure to captivate fans of psychological thrillers and leave them wanting more. Don't miss out on this gripping cinematic experience, guaranteed to keep you guessing until the final scene.
Also Known As:
FinaleRelease Date:
25 Nov 2018Writers:
Steen Langstrup (novel), Søren Juul Petersen