Fifty Dead Men Walking is a gripping thriller that follows the true story of Martin McGartland, who becomes a double agent, feeding crucial information to Britain's Special Branch Agent Fergus while deeply embedded in the I.R.A. Torn between loyalty to his country and fear for his life, Martin must navigate the treacherous world of espionage, deceit, and betrayal. As he gathers intelligence that could potentially save countless lives, Martin faces constant danger and the threat of being exposed as a spy.
With a compelling narrative and intense performances, Fifty Dead Men Walking is a riveting portrayal of a man caught in the crossfire of conflict and espionage. The film delves into the moral dilemmas and psychological turmoil of being a double agent, as well as the high stakes and personal sacrifices involved in gathering intelligence for the greater good.
Experience the tension and excitement of Martin's harrowing journey as he walks a razor-thin line between life and death in this suspenseful and thought-provoking film.
Also Known As:
Fifty Dead Men WalkingRelease Date:
21 Aug 2009Writers:
Martin McGartland, Nicholas Davies, Kari SkoglandAwards:
7 wins & 6 nominations