Feed is a gripping horror film that follows a group of social media experts who aim to revitalize an old family business. However, their initial excitement turns into terror when they become trapped on a secluded island in the middle of a lake. It is rumored that this island is home to an ancient Swedish witch.
As the team delves deeper into their work, they realize that the island holds a dark secret. With no means of escape, they must confront their deepest fears and battle the malevolent forces that threaten their lives.
The film explores the dangers of our obsession with social media and how it can consume and control us. It raises thought-provoking questions about the consequences of sacrificing real connections for online validation.
Directed by Martin Söder, Feed is a visually striking thriller that combines elements of supernatural horror and psychological suspense. The stunning Swedish landscapes, coupled with a haunting score, immerse viewers into a foreboding atmosphere. The cast delivers compelling performances, capturing the growing sense of dread and desperation.
Feed is a chilling exploration of the intersection between technology and the supernatural. This suspenseful and atmospheric film will leave audiences on the edge of their seats, questioning the power of social media and the darkness it can unleash.
Also Known As:
FeedRelease Date:
28 Oct 2022Writers:
Paolo Vacirca, Henry Stenberg, Filip Hammarström