Fast N' Loud is a thrilling reality TV series that follows the adventures of Richard Rawlings and Aaron Kaufmann as they travel across the United States in search of neglected classic cars to restore. Richard, a self-proclaimed petrol-sexual motorhead, and Aaron, a mechanical genius, operate the Gas Monkey Garage, where they transform rusty wrecks into beautiful road warriors ready to hit the streets again.
Each episode of Fast N' Loud takes viewers on a captivating journey as Richard and Aaron scour abandoned backyards, dusty barns, and hidden garages for forgotten gems. These skilled mechanics use their expertise and creativity to breathe new life into the derelict vehicles they find.
Once the cars have been fully restored, Richard and Aaron take them to various auctions, where they sell them to the highest bidder. This adds an exciting element to the show, as viewers eagerly anticipate the final payoff and the impressive prices these restored classics can fetch.
With its high-octane energy, Fast N' Loud provides a thrilling and entertaining viewing experience for car enthusiasts and fans of restoration projects alike. Follow Richard and Aaron as they uncover hidden treasures and turn them into stunning works of automotive art.