Far From Home is a captivating coming-of-age drama set in the world of privilege and aspiration. The story revolves around a young teenager who is facing financial hardship but is presented with an opportunity that will drastically change his life. Thanks to a prestigious scholarship, he is granted admission to an exclusive school reserved for the ultra-rich.
As the protagonist enters this new world of opulence and excess, he is exposed to a different way of life and is forced to navigate the challenges and complexities that come with it. The stark contrast between his humble background and the extravagant lifestyles of the one percent drives the narrative and prompts the protagonist to question his own identity and values.
Throughout the series, viewers witness the protagonist's struggle to fit into this unfamiliar environment while staying true to himself. Themes of social class, wealth disparity, and personal growth are explored, making Far From Home a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant experience.
With superb acting performances and compelling storytelling, Far From Home provides a fresh perspective on the realities of privilege and the pursuit of happiness. This gripping series will leave audiences reflecting on the universal themes of identity, ambition, and the meaning of success.
Also Known As:
Far from HomeRelease Date:
16 Dec 2022Writers:
Damilola Elebe, Chinaza Onuzo