Fantasia 2000 is a visually stunning animated film that serves as an update to the original classic, Fantasia. The movie features new interpretations of timeless classical music pieces, combining animation with orchestral music to create a unique viewing experience. Diverse animation styles are used to bring each musical segment to life, showcasing the talents of various artists and animators. The film features iconic classical compositions such as Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and Stravinsky's Firebird Suite, all presented in a fresh and innovative way.
Fantasia 2000 provides a feast for both the eyes and ears, immersing viewers in a world of music and artistry. Each segment is a work of art in itself, blending music and animation seamlessly to evoke different emotions and tell unique stories. The film pays homage to the original Fantasia while bringing a modern twist to the concept, making it a must-watch for both fans of classical music and animation enthusiasts. Experience the magic and beauty of Fantasia 2000 as it takes you on a journey through the wonderful world of classical music.
Also Known As:
Fantasia 2000Release Date:
16 Jun 2000Writers:
Eric Goldberg, James Fujii, Joe GrantAwards:
4 wins & 7 nominations