In the dark comedy horror film Fanged Up (2018), a mischievous young man finds himself in a terrifying situation when he is unexpectedly sent to prison for the weekend. Unaware of the horrifying truth, he soon discovers that the prison guards are actually blood-sucking vampires, and the rest of the inmates are their helpless victims.
As he navigates this bizarre and dangerous environment, he must gather all his wits and survival skills to escape with his life. Along the way, he encounters eccentric fellow inmates who become unlikely allies in his quest for freedom. Together, they must outsmart the vampire guards and find a way to avoid becoming their next meal.
Fanged Up combines elements of comedy, horror, and thriller to create a unique and entertaining viewing experience. With its supernatural twist on the prison genre, the film presents a fresh and intriguing concept that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Directed by Christian James and featuring a talented ensemble cast, Fanged Up delivers plenty of laughs, scares, and unexpected twists. This darkly humorous and thrilling film is sure to captivate audiences who enjoy a blend of comedy and horror. Get ready for a wild and blood-pumping ride through this twisted prison filled with vampiric surprises.
Also Known As:
Fanged UpRelease Date:
05 Jan 2020Writers:
Nick Nevern, Daniel O'Reilly, Dan Palmer