Fanático (2022–) is a captivating thriller series that explores the intriguing world of obsession and identity. The storyline follows the life of an unconditional fan who finds himself at a crossroads after his beloved idol unexpectedly passes away. Determined to keep the legacy of his idol alive, he assumes the identity of his deceased idol, staging elaborate impersonations and encounters that blur the line between reality and fiction.
Set against a backdrop of an underground fan culture, the fanatically devoted protagonist immerses himself in the life of his idol, gradually inhabiting his every mannerism, every nuance, and even the darkest secrets. As he delves deeper into his impersonation, he encounters unforeseen consequences and risks losing sight of his own identity in the process.
Fanático is a thought-provoking exploration of the limits of devotion and the lengths people will go to preserve the memories of their idols. The viewers are drawn into a complex web of intrigue and suspense as they witness the fan's transformation, questioning his motives and eagerly anticipating the consequences of his actions.
With its gripping storyline and compelling characters, Fanático delves into the psychological depths of obsession and blurs the boundaries between reality and fantasy. Prepare to be enthralled by this captivating series that challenges perceptions and raises intriguing questions about the nature of fandom.
Also Known As:
FanáticoRelease Date:
29 Jul 2022Writers:
Yago de Torres Peño, Dani del Águila, Federico Maniá Sibona