Falling for Christmas (2022) is a heartwarming holiday romance film that follows the story of a young heiress who finds love and joy during the Christmas season. In the days leading up to the holidays, the protagonist gets involved in a skiing accident that leaves her with amnesia. She wakes up in a cozy lodge, under the care of a charming lodge owner and his adorable daughter.
As the heiress navigates her amnesia and adjusts to her new surroundings, she bonds with the lodge owner and his daughter. Together, they embark on an enchanting journey of self-discovery, love, and the true spirit of Christmas.
This delightful film captures the essence of the holiday season, with its picturesque setting and heartwarming moments. Viewers will be swept away by the enchanting love story that unfolds between the heiress and the lodge owner, as they navigate the challenges of the past and present.
With its captivating performances, beautiful cinematography, and a storyline filled with hope, Falling for Christmas is the perfect film to get you in the holiday spirit. Whether you're a fan of romantic movies or simply looking for a feel-good film to enjoy with loved ones, this movie is sure to warm your heart and leave you with the true meaning of Christmas.
Also Known As:
Falling for ChristmasRelease Date:
10 Nov 2022Writers:
Jeff Bonnett, Janeen Damian, Michael Damian