In the midst of the Vietnam War in 1969, two young fathers, one filled with faith and the other filled with doubt, answer the call of duty. Fast forward 25 years later, their sons Wayne and John Paul, portrayed by David A.R. White and Kevin Downes, find themselves crossing paths as strangers. However, their encounter is the beginning of an incredible journey.
Guided by the letters their fathers wrote to them during the war, Wayne and John Paul embark on an unforgettable adventure to The Wall, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Along the way, they not only discover the devastating effects of war but also realize that a father's love for his son is unbreakable.
Faith of Our Fathers is a heartwarming story that dives into the lives of two sets of fathers and sons, exploring the lasting impact of war on both generations. Through their fathers' handwritten letters, Wayne and John Paul gain insight into the struggles and sacrifices their fathers faced during the war.
As they journey together and reflect on the past, these strangers begin to form a deep bond. Faith of Our Fathers is a tale of faith, forgiveness, and the enduring power of love. It serves as a reminder of the importance of remembering and honoring those who have served in the armed forces. This emotionally impactful film touches the hearts of viewers and offers a profound message about the value of family and the strength of the human spirit.