Facing is an intriguing documentary series that delves into the lives of globally renowned and sometimes infamous figures, as seen through the eyes of those who dared to confront them. This riveting series unveils the captivating stories of individuals who stood up against some of history's most accomplished and feared personalities.
Through conflict, confrontation, and camaraderie, Facing provides a unique perspective on the lives and struggles of these iconic figures. The series offers an intimate exploration of their psyches, peeling back the layers of their successes and hardships.
With a diverse array of subjects, Facing introduces viewers to individuals who have left an indelible mark on the world. From influential political leaders to notorious figures from popular culture, each episode of this thought-provoking documentary series invites us to question the motivations, ambitions, and vulnerabilities of these extraordinary individuals.
By highlighting the brave few who dared to oppose these iconic figures, Facing offers a refreshing take on familiar stories, illuminating the experiences and perspectives of those who directly impacted their lives. This series is a captivating journey into the human psyche, uncovering the complex dynamics between power, influence, and the individuals who challenge the status quo.
Prepare to be enthralled as Facing uncovers the untold stories behind some of history's most fascinating and formidable characters.
Also Known As:
FacingRelease Date:
30 Aug 2016