In the captivating film Every Day (2018), a timid teenager named Rhiannon unexpectedly falls in love with a remarkable being who inhabits a different body every day. This thrilling romance unravels the extraordinary journey of Rhiannon and her enigmatic paramour as they navigate the complexities of love, identity, and existence.
As Rhiannon's affection deepens, she must grapple with the extraordinary circumstances surrounding her partner, who continually wakes up in the body of a different person every morning. Each day presents a new face, a new life, and a new set of challenges that they must confront together. Despite the constant uncertainty, Rhiannon's love remains steadfast, creating a bond that transcends physical appearances.
Every Day explores profound themes of acceptance, emotional connection, and the essence of being. The film delicately delves into the complexities of human connection and the fragility of relationships, grappling with questions of identity, individuality, and the true nature of love.
With its captivating storyline and heartfelt performances, Every Day is a heartfelt and thought-provoking exploration of love in all its forms. As the mystery unravels, it tests the boundaries of love, asking us to confront our beliefs about what truly matters in a relationship.
Experience this remarkable tale filled with warmth, emotion, and spiritual depth. Every Day is a must-watch film that will leave you contemplating the complexities of love long after the credits roll.
Also Known As:
Every DayRelease Date:
23 Feb 2018Writers:
Jesse Andrews, David LevithanAwards:
1 nomination