In the television series Eureka, a U.S. Marshal named Jack Carter finds himself appointed as the sheriff of a small town called Eureka. Situated in the remote Northwestern region, Eureka may seem like an ordinary, cozy community at first glance. However, the truth behind the town is far from ordinary.
Behind closed doors, Eureka is home to the brightest and most brilliant minds in the United States. These geniuses have been secretly brought together to develop futuristic inventions for the government. Unfortunately, these experiments frequently lead to calamitous results.
As the sheriff, it becomes Jack's responsibility to maintain order and solve the many peculiar crises that arise in Eureka. With his practical approach to problem-solving and his down-to-earth personality, Jack finds himself navigating a world of scientific wonders and eccentric characters while attempting to keep the inventions from going disastrously wrong.
Eureka is a blend of science-fiction, mystery, and comedy, providing an intriguing and entertaining viewing experience. The show explores the consequences of pushing the boundaries of scientific innovation and delves into the lives of the town's inhabitants, each with their own unique quirks and talents.
Discover the hidden secrets of Eureka and embark on a thrilling journey alongside Sheriff Jack Carter as he tries to keep the town's extraordinary inventions from wreaking havoc on the world.
Also Known As:
EurekaRelease Date:
18 Jul 2006Writers:
Andrew Cosby, Jaime PagliaAwards:
Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy. 2 wins & 14 nominations total