Estoy vivo (2017–) is a captivating Spanish television series that combines the genres of crime, mystery, and fantasy. The story revolves around a dedicated policeman who tragically loses his life while chasing a notorious serial killer. However, his tale takes an unexpected turn when he is resurrected and reincarnated in the body of another police officer, five years later.
The twist comes in the form of the protagonist's immortality, as he is granted eternal life in exchange for keeping his true identity a secret. This fascinating premise sets the stage for a thrilling and suspenseful narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
As the story progresses, the reincarnated detective finds himself faced with the daunting task of solving crimes and protecting the innocent, all while never revealing his true self. Alongside his loyal partner, they navigate the world of law enforcement, fighting a wide range of criminals, from cold-blooded murderers to dangerous gangsters.
Estoy vivo boasts a compelling combination of gripping storytelling, intense action sequences, and thought-provoking explorations of identity and mortality. Viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride as they uncover the shocking secrets and intricate connections between characters, ultimately leading to a climactic finale.
This addictive series is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and supernatural tales, as it keeps audiences guessing and leaves them yearning for more with each suspense-filled episode.
Also Known As:
Estoy vivoRelease Date:
07 Sep 2017Writers:
Daniel ÉcijaAwards:
16 wins & 16 nominations