In Escape from Planet Earth, viewers are transported to the colorful world of planet Baab, home to a blue alien population. The story revolves around Scorch Supernova, an esteemed astronaut who is idolized by the people of Baab for his incredible rescues. However, Scorch's feats wouldn't be possible without the help of his nerdy brother, Gary, who works as the head of mission control at BASA.
As their latest mission takes them to the dangerous and mysterious Dark Planet, Scorch finds himself in peril and needs to be rescued. It is up to Gary to overcome his own fears and embark on a daring rescue operation to save his brother and bring him back to safety.
Escape from Planet Earth is an exciting animated adventure filled with humor, action, and heartwarming moments. The film explores themes of brotherhood, bravery, and the power of family. With its stunning animation and compelling storyline, this family-friendly movie is sure to captivate both children and adults alike.
Join Scorch and Gary on their thrilling journey across the galaxy as they face perilous situations, encounter strange creatures, and discover the true meaning of heroism. Will they be able to overcome their differences and work together to save the day? Find out in Escape from Planet Earth.