Escape from L.A. (1996) is a thrilling action film set in a dystopian future where earthquakes have transformed Los Angeles into a perilous island. The story revolves around Snake Plissken, a renowned antihero, who is tasked with a dangerous mission. The President's daughter has escaped to L.A. with a device capable of causing massive destruction, and Snake is reluctantly forced to retrieve it.
As Snake ventures into this lawless and chaotic city, he encounters a variety of eccentric characters and faces numerous deadly challenges. With time running out, he must navigate treacherous territories, battle with formidable enemies, and outsmart cunning adversaries to accomplish his objective.
Directed by John Carpenter and starring Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken, Escape from L.A. offers a thrilling and suspenseful narrative, filled with intense action sequences and unexpected twists. The film explores themes of morality, loyalty, and the consequences of power, all against the backdrop of a desolate and unforgiving Los Angeles.
Escape from L.A. showcases Carpenter's signature style, with its gritty atmosphere, compelling characters, and dark humor. It serves as both a sequel and a stand-alone film, immersing viewers in a thrilling and dangerous journey through a post-apocalyptic city.
Prepare to be captivated by Escape from L.A., an adrenaline-fueled and thought-provoking film that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
Also Known As:
Escape from L.A.Release Date:
09 Aug 1996Writers:
John Carpenter, Nick Castle, Debra HillAwards:
3 nominations