Enter the Dragon (1973) is an action-packed martial arts film that centers around three main characters: Lee, Roper, and Williams. Lee is recruited by an agency to investigate a tournament hosted by Han, a powerful individual suspected of being involved in the opium trade. Roper and Williams, former army buddies from the Vietnam War, also find themselves drawn to the tournament for their own reasons.
Roper is desperately trying to escape the clutches of the Mafia, who are after him due to his mounting gambling debts. Williams, on the other hand, faces constant harassment from racist police officers and uses the tournament as a means to defend himself and make his getaway.
The tournament takes place on a dangerous and secluded island, posing numerous challenges and life-threatening situations for the participants. Lee's mission is not only to uncover Han's illicit activities but also to ensure the survival of Roper and Williams amidst the deadly competition.
Enter the Dragon combines thrilling fight sequences with espionage and suspense, making it a must-watch for fans of the martial arts genre. Directed by Robert Clouse, the film showcases the legendary martial artist Bruce Lee and his incredible skills. With its intense storyline and engaging characters, Enter the Dragon promises an adrenaline-pumping viewing experience for all.
Also Known As:
Enter the DragonRelease Date:
19 Aug 1973Writers:
Michael AllinAwards:
1 win.