Enlightened is a thought-provoking and captivating TV series that follows the journey of Amy Jellicoe, a self-destructive woman seeking redemption and enlightenment. After a public meltdown at work, Amy embarks on a soul-searching retreat, which leads her to a transformative spiritual awakening. Filled with newfound determination, she returns to her everyday life with a mission to live a more enlightened existence.
However, Amy's newfound zeal for life does not come without challenges. As she attempts to create positive change in her personal and professional life, she faces resistance from those around her, including her skeptical coworkers and her supportive but cautious mother. Her relentless pursuit of truth and authenticity often leads to unintended chaos, both at home and at work.
Enlightened explores themes of personal growth, societal expectations, and the often tumultuous journey towards self-discovery. The show presents a raw and authentic portrayal of a woman on a mission to find her purpose in a world that often feels disconnected and superficial.
With outstanding performances from the talented cast, including Laura Dern in the lead role of Amy Jellicoe, Enlightened offers a compelling mix of drama and dark comedy. The series engages viewers with its nuanced characters, thought-provoking storytelling, and unflinching exploration of the human condition.
Enlightened is a must-watch for those who enjoy introspective and emotionally charged narratives that delve into the complexities of life, love, and self-realization.
Also Known As:
EnlightenedRelease Date:
10 Oct 2011Writers:
Laura Dern, Mike WhiteAwards:
Nominated for 2 Primetime Emmys. 3 wins & 19 nominations total