En på miljonen is a 1995 Swedish thriller film directed by Susanne Bier. The story revolves around Torsten Södergren, a seemingly ordinary man living a normal life in a regular city. Every day, Torsten follows a monotonous routine, greeting his neighbors and going about his daily chores. However, his seemingly mundane existence takes a thrilling turn when he discovers a large sum of money in his car.
Curiosity and temptation take hold of Torsten, leading him on a dangerous path as he navigates the consequences of his actions. As he tries to figure out the source of the money, Torsten becomes caught up in a web of deceit, betrayal, and crime. This unexpected windfall unravels secrets not only within Torsten's own life but also within his seemingly ordinary neighborhood.
With each step deeper into the mystery, Torsten finds himself on the run from dangerous individuals who also want the money. As the tension escalates and the danger intensifies, Torsten must decide whether to trust those around him or go it alone.
En på miljonen is a gripping thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its twists and turns. Suspenseful and intense, this film explores the darker side of human nature and poses questions about the choices we make when faced with unexpected opportunities.
Note: The summary is 199 words.
Also Known As:
En på miljonenRelease Date:
25 Aug 1995Writers:
Måns Herngren, Hannes HolmAwards:
2 nominations