Egg is a thought-provoking and unconventional comedy-drama that revolves around Tina, a conceptual artist, as she navigates her complicated relationship with her art school rival, Karen, who happens to be eight months pregnant. When Tina introduces Karen to her surrogate, Kiki, the dynamics between these three women take an unexpected turn.
As the story unfolds, the characters delve into deep conversations about motherhood, feminism, and the pressures imposed by society. The film cleverly raises questions about the roles women are expected to play and challenges the traditional notions of motherhood.
Starring Alysia Reiner, Christina Hendricks, and Anna Camp, Egg not only explores the complexities of female relationships but also sheds light on the ongoing struggle against the patriarchy. The movie provides a fresh perspective on topics that are often overshadowed in mainstream media.
With its sharp dialogue and powerful performances, Egg offers a captivating storyline that will keep viewers engaged from start to finish. It's a must-watch for those who appreciate thought-provoking cinema and are interested in examining societal norms through a feminist lens.
Also Known As:
EggRelease Date:
18 Jan 2019Writers:
Risa Mickenberg