In the movie Edison (2005), a young journalist stumbles upon a group of corrupt policemen and decides to investigate further. As he delves deeper into the scandal, he forms an uneasy alliance with a seasoned reporter and an investigator working for a powerful district attorney. Together, they navigate the dangerous world of police corruption and uncover shocking truths that threaten to upend the status quo.
Throughout the film, the characters must confront their own moral compasses as they navigate a web of deceit and manipulation. The young journalist must learn to trust his instincts and stand up against powerful forces that seek to silence the truth. The jaded reporter and investigator, on the other hand, must reconcile their past mistakes and find redemption in the pursuit of justice.
Edison is a tense and gripping thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the characters race against time to uncover the truth. With stellar performances and a compelling storyline, this film shines a light on the dark underbelly of corruption and the power of investigative journalism.
Also Known As:
EdisonRelease Date:
29 Jul 2005Writers:
David J. BurkeAwards:
1 win