Eat. Race. Win. is a captivating documentary series that provides viewers with a unique and exclusive behind-the-scenes look into the intense and grueling world of the Tour de France. The series follows renowned chef Hannah Grant, known as the Queen of Performance Cooking, as she embarks on a thrilling journey to provide the Australian pro cycling team, Orica-Scott, with nutritious and energy-packed meals.
As Sports Director Matthew White leads his team of nine riders to victory, Chef Hannah faces the challenge of sourcing high-quality ingredients and preparing meals that will optimize the team's performance throughout the race. From carefully selecting farm-fresh produce to cooking up delicious and innovative recipes, Hannah showcases her culinary skills while offering valuable insights into the importance of nutrition in endurance sports.
Eat. Race. Win. not only delves into the world of cycling, but also explores the rich culture and cuisine of the regions visited during the Tour de France. From the bustling markets of France to the picturesque vineyards of Italy, viewers are taken on a sensory journey, immersing themselves in the sights, sounds, and flavors of each destination.
With stunning cinematography, exciting race footage, and engaging interviews with athletes and experts, Eat. Race. Win. is a must-watch for all cycling enthusiasts and food lovers alike. Prepare to be inspired, entertained, and educated as you witness the remarkable synergy between the worlds of sports and culinary arts.