Eagle Eye is an action-packed thriller that revolves around two unsuspecting strangers, Jerry and Rachel. Their lives are unexpectedly entangled when they receive a mysterious phone call from a woman they've never encountered before. This unknown woman exerts control over their lives, manipulating them into perilous situations that involve their loved ones. Through the clever use of technology, she is able to track and control their every move.
As Jerry and Rachel find themselves thrust into a dangerous game, they must rely on their wits and resourcefulness to survive. From high-speed chases to narrow escapes, the duo must navigate a world where nothing is as it seems and danger lurks around every corner.
The movie explores themes of surveillance, manipulation, and the ever-increasing influence of technology in our lives. It keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its adrenaline-fueled action sequences and suspenseful plot twists.
Starring prominent actors, Eagle Eye showcases their strong performances as they portray characters caught in a web of deception and danger. Directed by D.J. Caruso, the film keeps audiences engaged throughout with its fast-paced storyline and tense atmosphere.
With its thrilling premise and compelling performances, Eagle Eye is sure to keep viewers captivated from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Eagle EyeRelease Date:
26 Sep 2008Writers:
John Glenn, Travis Wright, Hillary SeitzAwards:
3 wins & 8 nominations