Duck Duck Goose (2018) is an animated comedy film that follows the adventure of Peng, a bachelor goose who finds himself responsible for two lost ducklings. As Peng prepares for his long-awaited journey south for the winter, he accidentally separates two siblings, Chao and Chi, from their flock.
Reluctant at first to take care of the young ducklings, Peng soon realizes that they need his help to survive their journey south. Along the way, Peng faces numerous challenges including encounters with dangerous predators and a gang of rebel mallards. Through these challenges, Peng learns valuable life lessons about the importance of family, responsibility, and friendship.
Filled with humor and heartwarming moments, Duck Duck Goose is an enjoyable film for the whole family. The unique personalities of the characters, including Peng's carefree nature and the innocent curiosity of Chao and Chi, add depth to the storyline. The stunning visual animation brings the vibrant world of geese and ducks to life, with lush landscapes and detailed character designs.
Duck Duck Goose is a heartwarming and entertaining film that teaches important values while keeping audiences engaged with its humorous and adventurous storyline. This charming animated feature is perfect for family movie nights, ensuring an enjoyable and enriching experience for viewers of all ages.
Also Known As:
Duck Duck GooseRelease Date:
20 Jul 2018Writers:
Christopher Jenkins, Rob Muir, Scott AtkinsonAwards:
1 win