Driven to Kill (2009) is an intense action thriller that follows the story of Ruslan, a former Russian mobster turned crime novelist. When Ruslan returns home, he receives shocking news - his daughter is about to marry his archenemy. As if that isn't enough, his past catches up with him when his family becomes a target.
Filled with rage and a thirst for justice, Ruslan finds himself drawn back into the violent world he thought he had escaped. With his unique set of skills, honed during his criminal days, Ruslan embarks on a relentless mission to protect his loved ones and make his enemies pay.
This gripping film takes viewers on a gripping journey of revenge, as Ruslan battles against both the external threats to his family and his own inner demons. The movie showcases intense action sequences and breathtaking fight scenes that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Driven to Kill is a heart-pounding thriller that explores themes of family, redemption, and the consequences of a life filled with violence. With its well-crafted plot and powerful performances, this movie is a must-watch for fans of explosive action and gripping storytelling.