In the quirky workplace comedy Dream Corp LLC, viewers are transported to a rundown dream therapy facility where an eccentric professor and his team of equally peculiar co-workers record and analyze the dreams of a diverse group of desperate patients. Set in an absurd yet strangely endearing world, the show follows the misadventures of this offbeat cast as they navigate the inner workings of Dream Corp LLC.
Led by the absent-minded Professor Roberts, the team delves into the dreams of their patients, trying to uncover the underlying issues behind their subconscious minds. With each episode bringing new patients and dreams, the rotating cast of characters brings their own unique quirks and problems to the table, creating a blend of hilarity and poignancy.
The dream therapy sessions are depicted through a mix of live-action and psychedelic animation sequences, enhancing the surreal atmosphere that pervades the show. The absurdist humor and imaginative visuals make Dream Corp LLC a captivating and unpredictable viewing experience.
As the episodes progress, the show gradually unravels the personal lives and struggles of both the patients and the Dream Corp LLC team, providing deeper insights into their characters. With its offbeat charm, witty humor, and imaginative storytelling, Dream Corp LLC is a must-watch for fans of unconventional and thought-provoking comedy.
Also Known As:
Dream Corp LLCRelease Date:
23 Oct 2016Writers:
Daniel Stessen