Dragons: Race to the Edge is an animated series that follows Hiccup, Toothless, and the Dragon Riders as they embark on thrilling adventures. In their quest to unlock the secrets of the Dragon Eye, they encounter more dragons than they ever imagined. With each episode, they find themselves on the edge of excitement and danger.
The Dragon Riders explore new islands and encounter various species of dragons with unique abilities and characteristics. They also face formidable villains who threaten their peaceful coexistence with the dragons. As they push the boundaries of exploration, they discover that their world is much bigger than they initially believed.
Throughout the series, Hiccup, Toothless, and their friends showcase their bravery, intelligence, and strong bond with their dragons. They form new alliances and learn valuable lessons about trust, teamwork, and the importance of protecting their dragon friends.
Dragons: Race to the Edge offers a thrilling and visually stunning adventure for both children and adults. With its engaging storyline, colorful animation, and lovable characters, it captures the imagination and keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Join Hiccup, Toothless, and the Dragon Riders as they soar to new heights and discover the wonders and dangers of the dragon world. Experience the excitement and magic of Dragons: Race to the Edge on this thrilling animated series.
Also Known As:
Dragons: Race to the EdgeRelease Date:
26 Jun 2015Awards:
2 wins & 9 nominations