In the action-packed movie Double Dragon (1994), two brothers find themselves in possession of a valuable ancient Chinese talisman. However, they soon discover that an evil gang leader, desperate for power, possesses the other half of the talisman. The gang leader becomes determined to acquire the brothers' half, as combining the two halves would grant him unstoppable power and control.
As the brothers fight to protect their half of the talisman, they embark on a thrilling journey that involves intense martial arts battles, epic chase scenes, and a stunning display of special effects. Along the way, they receive assistance from allies who join forces to stop the gang leader from completing the medallion.
Double Dragon showcases a blend of exciting action sequences, humor, and a touch of retro-style flair. Directed by James Yukich, the movie offers a visually dynamic and fast-paced experience filled with nostalgic nods to classic arcade games. With its engaging storyline and memorable characters, Double Dragon is a must-watch for fans of the action genre.
Join the two brothers on their quest to protect their half of the talisman and prevent the gang leader from gaining absolute power. Prepare for non-stop excitement, high-energy fight scenes, and a fight for ultimate control in Double Dragon.
Also Known As:
Double DragonRelease Date:
04 Nov 1994Writers:
Paul Dini, Neal Shusterman, Michael Davis