Dorohedoro is a thrilling and action-packed anime series set in a grim city called the Hole. In this city, a group of powerful sorcerers known as the Sorcerers Clan conduct horrifying experiments on innocent people. One day, a man named Caiman is discovered by Nikaidou in a dark alley. Caiman has a reptile head and suffers from amnesia, and together they embark on a mission to find and kill the sorcerer responsible for his transformation.
Their relentless pursuit leads them to clash with En, the leader of the Sorcerers Clan. En becomes aware of the menacing lizard-man roaming the streets and sends a group of formidable cleaners to exterminate him. This conflict between Caiman, Nikaidou, and the sorcerers plunges the city into a war between two worlds.
Dorohedoro stands out for its dark and gritty atmosphere, as well as its unique blend of action, mystery, and fantasy elements. The series explores complex themes of identity, revenge, and the consequences of unchecked power. As Caiman and Nikaidou venture deeper into the twisted world of the sorcerers, they uncover shocking secrets that will reshape their understanding of the city and its inhabitants.
With its captivating story, dynamic animation, and captivating characters, Dorohedoro is a must-watch for fans of the dark fantasy genre. Dive into a world where sorcery meets survival in this thrilling and darkly enchanting series.
Also Known As:
DorohedoroRelease Date:
13 Jan 2020