In this gripping thriller, Domestic Disturbance tells the story of Susan Morrison, who is preparing to marry the wealthy industrialist Rick Barnes. However, her teenage son, Danny, is not thrilled about this union and decides to take matters into his own hands. Sneaking into Rick's car, Danny plans to escape to his father Frank's house. Little does he know that he will stumble upon a shocking and horrifying event.
While at Frank's house, Danny witnesses Rick murdering a mysterious stranger named Ray Coleman. Unfortunately, Rick manages to dispose of most of the evidence and is highly regarded in their community. On the other hand, Danny is burdened with a history of lying, making it difficult for people to believe him. Despite this, Frank, Danny's father, believes his son and takes it upon himself to investigate the truth.
As the film progresses, Rick's shady past slowly catches up to him and his new family. Frank becomes determined to uncover the truth and protect his son. Domestic Disturbance is a powerful and suspenseful film that delves into themes of trust, deception, and the lengths a parent will go to protect their child. Don't miss this thrilling ride as the secrets unravel, keeping the viewer on the edge of their seat.
Also Known As:
Domestic DisturbanceRelease Date:
02 Nov 2001Writers:
Lewis Colick, William S. Comanor, Gary DruckerAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations